GLC Business After Hours

by Gutwein Law

Yesterday we had the privilege of hosting the Greater Lafayette Commerce Business After Hours.

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Crossfit Uncommon

by Gutwein Law

We're excited to bring you another client bio: introducing CrossFit Uncommon

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Gutwein Law & zworks are teaming up!

by Stuart Gutwein

Gutwein Law is excited to be teaming up with zWORKS as a Founding Partner and exclusive legal sponsor.  Scheduled to open in April, zWORKS will be Zionsville’s entrepreneurial and coworking center.  It will serve as a hub of work and will provide startup acceleration resources for entrepreneurs such as educational programing.  zWORKS will be located at 85 East Cedar Street in downtown Zionsville.

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"Agribusiness" and our ability to help you grow

by Stuart Gutwein

Gutwein Law understands the ongoing evolution of both large and smaller scale agriculture operations.  The current agricultural production and related environments increasingly demand a business approach to be successful--it has become "agribusiness." 

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How to Protect Your Intellectual Property: Trademark Basics

by Shannon Middleton

This blog was written as a guest blog post for Element 3.  


At Gutwein Law, we want to help educate entrepreneurs on how to adequately protect themselves in the realm of trademark law. This post should help you decide whether trademark protection is something in which you should invest.

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