This blog was originally written as a guest post for Indiana on Tap. If you missed it, you can find Part 1 here.
In Part 1 of our Trademarks & Craft Beer series, we discussed what trademarks are and how you can determine if you eligable to receive one. In this post, we will dive deeper into how to actually receive a trademark and the steps that should be taken it enforce it.
How do you receive trademark protection?
A trademark qualifies for protection in two instances. The first and easiest way to receive trademark protection is to be the first to use the mark in commerce. Case law has interpreted the phrase “using the mark in commerce” as being the first person to sell your specific product to the public with your identifying mark on it. So, if you are the first to sell “Megahop Celebration” in connection with the sale of that beer, you will receive priority to use that mark over other future users. Unfortunately, the priority to use the mark is limited to the geographic area in which you sell your beer. So if you only sell “Megahop Celebration” in Indiana, and someone else comes forward later and starts selling the same beer in Oregon, it is unlikely that you will be able to prevent someone else from selling a beer with the same name in Oregon. Plus, because the United States is a first-to-file system, if the Oregon brewery files for a federal trademark before you do, you would be limited to only using “Megahop Celebration” in Indiana. So much for growing your brand.
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