No I.P. Challenge Flag for "Concussion" Movie

by Travis Stegemoller

Throughout the NFL playoff games these past few weeks, there have been many injuries sustained by players - even some that may impact this weekend’s championship game (think Carolina Panther Thomas Davis’s broken forearm). But, none stick out more than the grizzly hit that left Antonio Brown with a concussion and forced him to miss the AFC divisional game.  When I saw that hit, I immediately thought of all the commercials I had seen for the movie Concussion and how much bad press the topic of concussions is generating for the league. That got me thinking, “I wonder if the NFL signed off on all the league’s and team’s logos used throughout the film.” 

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Indianapolis Startup Community - Travis's Assessment

by Travis Stegemoller

Though it may not get the publicity of cities like Chicago, Cincinnati, or Kansas City, Indianapolis is bolstering its own growing startup community. While nearby major cities hope to become the “Silicon Valley of the Midwest,” Indianapolis boasts a personality of its own – holding strong to classic Midwestern attributes of community support.

I started with Gutwein Law one year ago from January and the occasion prompted me to reflect upon the differences I experienced between the Chicago startup community and the startup community here in Indianapolis.  On a high level, it’s hard to deny the ubiquity of Hoosier Hospitality and its role in providing a foundation for support and comradery of startups versus the seemingly transient feel of Chicago’s startup community at large.  Here’s what I’ve noticed so far.

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Six Ways to Leverage Your Patent

by Gutwein Law

While many people initially think of enforcement, the reality of patent enforcement is that it’s long, expensive and uncertain. Most companies don’t randomly engage in patent litigation, and neither should you. Here are six additional ways you can put a patent to work:

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To Moonlight or Not to Moonlight: The Questions Surrounding Your Employment Agreements

by Travis Stegemoller & Tyler Droste

This blog was originally written as a guest post for Eleven Fifty Academy.

In the age of new technology, in which companies are spawning every day and an abundance of talent can be found in-house at many companies, developers and software engineers often consider doing work on the side – whether it be at a startup or personally starting their own business.  It is critical that these developers are aware of the limitations their employment agreements might place on them and any activities they carry out outside of work.  An individual’s employment agreement can often consist of a variety of contracts and clauses that affect side work, including the following:

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Intellectual Property 101: The Basics

by Gutwein Law

What is Intellectual Property (IP)?

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