Maximizing ROI on Indiana's $1B Investment - Higher Education (Part 3)

by Brian Casserly

Over the past few weeks, we have both outlined what the investment entails, and gave our recommendations for how the funding can make an impact at secondary education programs. This week, we will be dissecting the second area of focus on the list, and giving our recommendation for what we believe would be most beneficial to entrepreneurs. According to the Indiana Economic Development Corporation, this includes

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Business Combinations: Financial Health (Part 4)

by Stuart Gutwein

For the past few months, we have been discussing the questions companies should consider when initially considering a joint venture or merger (see Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3). In our final installment of this series, we will go over what questions will help determine the financial health of a prospective business partner’s company.

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Maximizing ROI on Indiana's $1B Investment - Secondary Education (Part 2)

by Tyler Droste

Earlier this summer, Governor Mike Pence proposed a $1 billion investment in Indiana innovation and entrepreneurship. Outlined in his proposal were six main areas of focus for the investment to go towards, as outlined in last week’s post and further elaborated on by the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) here. This week, we will be dissecting the first area of focus on the list, and giving our recommendation for what we believe would be most beneficial to future entrepreneurs. As stated by the IEDC, this includes:

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Maximizing ROI on Indiana's $1B Investment (Part 1)

by Sophia Khan

In July, Indiana’s governor announced a proposed $1 billion injection into Indiana innovation and entrepreneurship. The announcement was made at the Eighth Annual Innovation Showcase, hosted by Venture Club of Indiana, and sponsored in part by Gutwein Law.

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Business Combinations: Transitioning Employees (Pt. 3)

by Stuart Gutwein

Over the past two months, we have been discussing questions to consider when entering into a joint venture or merger (see Part 1 and Part 2). Once you and your potential partner have aligned on your business philosophy and products or services, it’s time to start thinking of your employees.

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