Gutwein Law

A Semester of Learning and Growth: An Interview with Luke Pfeiffer

by Gutwein Law

We sat down with Luke Pfeiffer, current Legal Assistant Intern, to get his take on what it's like to work at Gutwein Law. Spoiler: you'll learn a ton (and we think it's pretty fun here, too). If you're interested in becoming a Legal Assistant Intern with Gutwein Law in the future, please send a cover letter and your resume to

Who are you? What are you studying?

My name is Luke Pfeiffer and I’m from West Lafayette, Indiana. I’m a freshman student at Purdue University studying accounting with a pre-law concentration.

What were you looking for in an internship?

Above all else, I was looking to gain exposure to the legal field, and Gutwein Law couldn’t have been a better place.

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How to Value Your Startup: The Essential Guide

by Gutwein Law

Assigning a value to your company is a serious "must-do" for any startup, especially if you're on the hunt for investors. But determining your company's valuation isn’t as straightforward as looking at your bottom line (probably a good thing if you're pre-revenue). It's a blend of science and some art, and there are dozens of valuation methodologies to consider. A quick tip: don't limit yourself to one approach. There's no such thing as the perfect method for your company and utilizing multiple methods allows for an average to be taken, which can help in the negotiation process with investors.

With that in mind, where should you start? Well, there are four valuation methods we think standout among the rest. These should give you exactly what you need the next time you step into the shark tank:

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The Importance of a Patent Portfolio

by Gutwein Law

No matter the size of your portfolio, there are several opportunities – and responsibilities – attached to each and every patent you hold. Different patents can play different roles in supporting your overall business strategy, possibly underpinning direct sales and licensing revenue simultaneously, depending on the business model of your company.

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Do You Really Need a Trademark Attorney?

by Gutwein Law

Filing your trademark registration application is a simple concept. But the process you must follow and the rules governing that process are complex. Many wonder whether they would be able to successfully register a mark on their own, or if they should go with a legal technology website or law firm. Here are the three options you have along with their respective pros and cons:

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Six Ways to Leverage Your Patent

by Gutwein Law

While many people initially think of enforcement, the reality of patent enforcement is that it’s long, expensive and uncertain. Most companies don’t randomly engage in patent litigation, and neither should you. Here are six additional ways you can put a patent to work:

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